Overcoming Obstacles

The biggest obstacle to having a strong independent candidate for president may not be what we imagine it to be. Yes, ballot access is difficult. Yes, both the GOP and DNC have big war chests of money and connections in mainstream media. But the biggest obstacle may very well be our own complacency. You may be surprised to learn that 63% of Americans believe the country would benefit from a third major party. That's been the majority opinion since 2012, and yet, still no third major party.

Overcoming our own Complacency

Overcoming the 2 Party Narrative

For those 34% of Americans that don't see the benefits, here's a list of myths and reality checks.

MYTH: 3rd party candidates are just spoilers.

We should all be afraid of 3rd party contenders because they'll split the vote and hand the race to the guy you fear most. 

REALITY: 3rd party candidates are challengers.

With both parties no longer responsive to the American public, a serious challenge to the 2 party stranglehold over our government  is long overdue.

MYTH: They don't have a chance.

No independent candidate has a chance of becoming president and you should only vote for one of the two guys that have a chance.

REALITY: A slim chance is better than no chance.

Every vote for an independent challenger is a call for better representation and a stand against politics-as-usual. 

MYTH: If no candidate gets 270 electoral votes, that will be scary.

The election will be termed a 'contingent election' (scary) and go to the House of Representatives to decide (unpredictable). 

REALITY: If no candidate gets 270 electoral votes, that will be honest and benefical.

A contingent election would signal that politics-as-usual are over. Politicians will have to do better if they want to enjoy broad support. 

MYTH: It's a threat to democracy.

If you don't vote for our guy, you let the fascists win. Or, if you don't vote for our guy, you let the warmonger win. 

REALITY: Having another choice is democracy.  

How about neither Trump or Biden wins. Or at least neither gets a decisive victory. 

MYTH: Don't waste your vote. 
REALITY: A vote against one's principles is a wasted vote. 

Reference Section

Gallup Poll: "Support for Third U.S. Political Party Up to 63%" 

Oct 4, 2023

See the full article at GALLUP ARTICLE

63% of Americans believe the country would benefit from a third major party. (The next poll that includes the impact of October 7 will likely increase that percentage.)